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Plans 2024

My plans for this year are to breed on Helianta, Strega and Helvina. It all depends on their heat cycles, and the males.​

I will probably not mate Jinx till next year since I still feel she is a bit too young in her ways.



Helianta has been mated to Camry again after her phantom pregnancy.
The colour outcome of a pairing between Helianta and Camry could look like this:


Blue silver tigré or tabby
Blue silver tigré or tabby torbies
Creme Silver tigré or tabby
Blue smoke tortie
Blue smoke
Creme smoke



Strega has mated with Loke, but I only saw one proper mating between them unfortunately and then they lost interest.
So if there will be a litter, the colour
outcome between the two could look
like this:

Black silver tigré or tabby with white
Black t
igré or tabby with white
Blue silver tigré or tabby with white
Blue t
igré or tabby with white
Black smoke with white
Black  solid with white
Blue smoke with white
Blue solid with white



Helvina has been mating with Loke and there was about 20 proper matings, so it feels very good and positive.
If everything goes as it should, it will
come a litter around Midsummer week.
The color outcome of the litter can be:

Black silver tigré or tabby
Black tigré or tabby
Blue silver tigré or tabby
Blue t
igré or tabby

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